
Dec 1, 20201 min

Anti-Inflammatory Indian Spice Oats

Combination of turmeric, gut-healthy oats, and the protein-rich tahini and seeds to keep you sated, with a comforting spice mix reminiscent of Indian rice pudding.


- 3/4 cup cooked oats. (I make up a big batch of steel-cut oats to use through the week)

- choice of milk (to taste)

- 3/4 TB tahini

- Sprinkle of raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds

- 1 TB dried raisins (optional)

- 1/4 TB Turmeric

- dash cinnamon

- dash nutmeg

- a turn of fresh ground pepper (helps turmeric absorb)

- drizzle honey


If the oatmeal was made ahead of time, go ahead and warm it up with the milk. If it's summer time, I prefer to omit warming it up, and just mix it well with the milk so it doesn't stick together.

- Combine everything.
